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(English version is below.)
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1. À²¸®¿ì½º Ä«À̻縣, ·Î¸¶(±â¿øÀü 44³â)
2. ·çÅ°¿ì½º ¾Æ¿ì·¼¸®¿ì½º, ·Î¸¶ (275)
3. ÇåÁ¾ ½ÅȲÁ¦, ¼ö³ª¶ó (618)
4. ÄܽºÅº½º 2¼¼, ·Î¸¶ (668)
5. ÇåÁ¾ ½ÅȲÁ¦, ´ç³ª¶ó (820)
6. Àª¸®¾ö 2¼¼, ¿µ±¹ (1100)
7. ¾Ó¸® 4¼¼, ÇÁ¶û½º (1610)
8. Âû½º 1¼¼, ¿µ±¹ (1649)
9. ±¸½ºÅ¸ºê 3¼¼, 1746³â
10. ·çÀÌ 16¼¼, ÇÁ¶û½º(1793)
11. ¸µÄÁ, ¹Ì±¹ (1865)
12. Á¦ÀÓ½º °¡ Çʵå, ¹Ì±¹ (1881)
13. ÀÌÅ»¸®¾Æ ±¹¿Õ ¿òº£¸£Åä 1¼¼ (1900)
14. ´ýÇÁ ¸ÅŲ¸®, ¹Ì±¹ (1901)
15. ÇÁ¶õÃ÷ ³ªºñµð³Æ®, ¿À½ºÆ®-Çë°¡¸®(1914)
16. ·¯½Ã¾Æ Â÷¸£ ´ÏÄÝ¶ó½º 2¼¼(1918)
17. À̶óÅ© ÆÄÀÌ»ì 1¼¼(1933)
18. ¾Ë·º»ê´õ 1¼¼, À¯°í½½¶óºñ¾Æ(1934)
19. ¶óÁöºê ¶óÆ®³ª °£µð, Àεµ(1944)
20. Äɳ׵ð, ¹Ì±¹ (1963)
21. ¸ðÇÑ´Ù½º °£µð, Àεµ(1948)
22. ¹ÚÁ¤Èñ, Çѱ¹(1979)
23. ÆÄÀÌ»ì ¿Õ, »ç¿ìµð(1975)
24. ¾Æº£ ÀÌÄ¡·Î, ÀϺ» (1960)
25. ¸¶¸£Æ¾ ·çÅÍ, ¹Ì±¹(1968)
26. ·Î¹öÆ® F. Äɳ׵ð, ¹Ì±¹ 1968)
27. ¾È¿Í¸£ »ç´ÙÆ®, ÀÌÁýÆ®(1981)
28. ¿Ã·ÎÇÁ ÆȸÞ, ½º¿þµ§ (1986)
29. ÀÌÃ÷ÇÏÅ© ¶óºó, À̽º¶ó¿¤ (1995)
30. ºñ·»µå¶ó ±¹¿Õ, ³×ÆÈ (2001)
31. ÀÌÀÚº§¶ó ºÎÅä, ÆÄÅ°½ºÅº (2007)
32. ¾Æº£ ½ÅÁ¶, ÀϺ» (2022)
All of it comes to mind when I'm feeling nervous about the nation. The secret killing of an important figure is known as assassination. It's nothing but a cowardly conduct. Still, the killings continued nonstop. Its purpose is to rob power. The main goal of the assassination is to improve the world by making it more rich and free. It cannot be done to cause suffering and worsening of a nation. Still, some nations are prepared to kill to establish a nation that is a cold, hungry, and sick place to live—let alone one that is free and prosperous.
The assassination's most deadly goal is not to get power for freedom and prosperity, but rather to seize power negatively in order to enslave the people and establish a social communist regime. The issue is that accomplishing these harmful goals always leads to societal unpredictability.
They grab control by taking advantage of this unease in the nation. The target of an assassination is typically a rival or political adversary with opposing values. An assassin is a professional killer employed by a political rival or a spy sent by an enemy. Every nation has intelligence and counterintelligence agencies, or spy agencies, like the NIS and the CIA.
Both the East and the West were the sites of the assassination. It may be heading somewhere even now. The people's yearning for freedom and national security is extremely unsettling when the nation is in peril, particularly when the opposition and the ruling party are engaged in an ideological conflict. I have the impression that I am standing between paradise and hell.
I did an overview of assassination history, covering the period from the Roman Empire to the present. A free democratic nation's president was killed, and much of the nation descended into anarchy and regression. And it's wrecked. A nation that collapses loses everything. For this reason, every free and democratic nation is actively seeking for spies while also providing the president with the utmost protection. Assassinations have frequently altered both world and personal history. The majority of Roman emperors were overthrown by assassinations.
1. Julius Caesar, Rome (44 BCE)
2. Lucius Aurelianus, Rome (275)
3. Emperor Heonjong, Sui Dynasty (618)
4. Constance II, Rome (668)
5. Emperor Heonjong, Tang Dynasty (820)
6. William II, England (1100)
7. Henry IV, France (1610)
8. King Charles I, England (1649)
9. Gustave III, Sweden (1746)
10. King Louis XVI, France (1793)
11. Lincoln, United States (1865)
12. James Garfield, United States (1881)
13. King Umberto I, Italy (1900)
14. William McKinley, United States (1901)
15. Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary (1914)
16. Tsar Nicholas II, Russia (1918)
17. King Faisal I, Iraq (1933)
18. King Alexander I, Yugoslavia (1934)
19. Rajiv Ratna Gandhi, India (1944)
20. Kennedy, United States (1963)
21. Mohandas Gandhi, Àεµ (1948)
22. Park Chung-hee, Korea (1979)
23. King Faisal, Saudi Arabia (1975)
24. Ichiro Abe, Japan (1960)
25. Martin Luther King Jr., United States (1968)
26. Robert F. Kennedy, ¹Ì±¹ 1968)
27. Anwar Sadat, Egypt (1981)
28. Olof Palme, Sweden (1986)
29. Yitzhak Rabin, Israel (1995)
30. King Birendra, Nepal (2001)
31. Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan (2007)
32. Shinzo Abe, Japan (2022)
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